Hello. I'm a Florida web developer and long-time user of caffeine. Although I've never had interest in other drugs, in my touring musician days I had aquaintances who used drugs without harm, and I've long recognized prohibition as ineffective and unjust. Lately, seeing the enormous amount of harm it causes, I want to do much more to fight this madness.
On my website I've compiled a few thoughts as Ideas for Effective Drug Law Reform. Surely many of these are not novel, but I hope some will keep us steered towards progress. If it's preferred, I can post these here.
I surely consider this a document in progress and, ultimately, I think a wiki that supports revisioning would be a good place for these. It would allow edits over time, while allowing people to link to specific ideas in specific revisions.
I also made a blog post recently that depicts the illegal drug trade as a shining example of capitalism. I think it will be helpful to illustrate the harms of prohibition in terms that its proponents understand best. (need to add that to the list!)
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